The tuberose is the most sacred flower in Indian beliefs. In the exotic and heavily visited Indian state of Tamil Nadu, tropical flowers bloom in a lush natural environment of Santalum album trees. In the ancient city of Madras, local harvesters would tap these trees for their unrivaled sandalwood extract and trade the resins across the known world. Boucheron Tubereuse De Madras has this remarkable scent enjoyed by the world’s wealthiest tourists. The top opens with delicate orange blossom, shy, green violet leaves, and intriguing passion fruit. Exquisite tuberose wraps the heavenly bouquet in the heart, along with aphrodisiac ylang ylang and sweet frangipani. A more romantic and sensual tuberose absolute develops in the base, with gourmand vanilla and Indian sandalwood. The fragrance is creamy and strongly tuberose; the impact is enchanting.